Prairie Prism



Prairie Prism is a partnership of twenty or more community groups and individuals that endeavour to develop:

Strength in Diversity

Prairie Prism is a multi-cultural event which highlights the diversity and rich mosaic of cultures that exist within our city of Saskatoon. It is the organizers intent that this event will help to build cultural connections between Newcomers and established community residents. Particularly during this Year of Reconciliation it is increasingly important to provide opportunities for people and cultures to mix, mingle and learn from each other.

A Welcoming Community

The organizing committee recognizes the importance of building a welcoming and receptive community where quality of life includes economic and cultural sustenance for all who choose Saskatoon as their home. Prairie Prism works towards drawing together people of many different backgrounds and interests.

Strength in Diversity

Prairie Prism is a multi-cultural event which highlights the diversity and rich mosaic of cultures that exist within our city of Saskatoon. It is the organizers intent that this event will help to build cultural connections between Newcomers and established community residents. Particularly during this Year of Reconciliation it is increasingly important to provide opportunities for people and cultures to mix, mingle and learn from each other.

A Welcoming Community

The organizing committee recognizes the importance of building a welcoming and receptive community where quality of life includes economic and cultural sustenance for all who choose Saskatoon as their home. Prairie Prism works towards drawing together people of many different backgrounds and interests.

In 2022, these partners worked together to ensure that many segments of the Saskatoon community were represented.

They are: Family Service Saskatoon, Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association, City of Saskatoon, CUMFI, Confederation Mall, Global Gathering Place, International Women of Saskatoon, Mennonite Central Committee, SAIF-SK/AFC, Saskatchewan History and Folklore Society, Saskatchewan Intercultural Association, Saskatoon Open Door Society, Saskatoon Police Service, Saskatoon Public Library, TAYFFI and The Office of the Treaty Commissioner

Prairie Prism is open to anyone, organization or group to become involved.

Family Services Saskatoon

Family Service Saskatoon offers programs, services and leadership, which develop and support individuals, families and communities to have safe, healthy and respectful relationships.

Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association (AMYA) is a nationwide youth group that works with young Muslim men and boys around the country. The association is also known internationally by the name Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya, which literally means “Association of Servants of the True Islam.” 

City of Saskatoon

Mission Statement: Our Corporation, the City of Saskatoon, exists to provide excellence in local governance and public service delivery.

Confederation Mall

Confederation Mall is a shopping mall located at 22nd Street and Circle Drive in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. The mall was originally named Confederation Park Plaza when it opened in mid-1973.


Central Urban Métis Federation (1993) Inc., (CUMFI) is a community-based Métis owned and operated non-profit, charitable organization located in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. CUMFI is a local and national leader in the area of urban Indigenous issues and challenges

Global Gathering Place

Global Gathering is a non-profit drop-in centre that provides services for immigrants and refugees in Saskatoon. Global Gathering Place helps newcomers adapt to life in Canada by offering support and skill development, acceptance, and a welcoming environment. Our organization works in partnership with community and immigrant-serving agencies and a network of private and government funders.

International Women of Saskatoon (IWS)

International Women of Saskatoon (IWS) is a non-profit, grass-roots and equality-seeking women’s organization dedicated to improving the status of immigrant and refugee women and their families residing in Saskatoon and area by assisting them to become full participating members in all aspects of the Canadian Society.

Mennonite Central Committee

Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) works in 45 countries around the world. We partner with local churches and organizations with similar values to amplify our impact. Together we work in these three areas:


Vous êtes francophone et vous souhaitez vous installer en Saskatchewan ?  Vous aimeriez rencontrer des personnes qui vous aideront à vous orienter et à trouver des ressources francophones ? Vous aimeriez bénéficier de services en français ?

 The Service d’Accueil et d’Inclusion Francophone offers settlement services to French-speaking newcomers. Personalized assistance to settle and successfully integrate into Saskatchewan!

Saskatchewan History and Folklore Society

Established in 1957, the Saskatchewan History & Folklore Society (SHFS) is a provincial organization that delivers programs and activities to enable, inspire and celebrate the investigation and sharing of historical and folkloric knowledge in Saskatchewan’s diverse communities. This can include histories, stories, or traditions, often uniquely personal or local, which are passed between and within generations and which capture the lived experience of everyday people.

Saskatchewan Intercultural Association

The Saskatchewan Intercultural Association (SIA) is a non-profit, charitable organization founded in 1964. For over fifty years, the SIA has been committed to supporting cultural groups retain their distinctive cultural identity, language and arts. In the last 20 years, SIA has also focused on providing programs and services that empower and relieve barriers for Newcomers and Indigenous people in the areas of securing employment, language advancement, and cultural understanding. An integral part of SIA has always been to provide anti-racist education and promote intercultural understanding to the general public through workshops, programming and community events.

Saskatoon Open Door Society

The Saskatoon Open Door Society was established in 1980 as a centre to welcome and assist refugees and immigrants moving to Saskatoon to become informed and effective participants in Canadian society, and to involve the Saskatoon community in their hospitable reception and just acceptance.​

Saskatoon Police Service

Saskatoon Police Service is the municipal police service in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. It holds both municipal and provincial jurisdiction.

Saskatoon Public Library

The Saskatoon Public Library is a publicly funded library system in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. It is available for use by any member of the public; library cards are free for all Saskatonians. Saskatoon Public Library was established in 1913.​


Truly Alive Youth and Family Foundation Inc (TAYFFI) is a Registered Charity that provides tailored program and support services for individuals, youth, and families from visible/ethnic minority groups and vulnerable communities in Saskatoon and Area towards becoming engaged and contributing members of the society.

The Office of the Treaty Commissioner (OTC)

The Office of the Treaty Commissioner (OTC), an independent body, will serve as the primary mechanism to coordinate and facilitate a bilateral process between Government of Canada and the Federation of Saskatchewan Nations to achieve a common understanding on Treaties No. 4, 5, 6, 8, and 10 in Saskatchewan. The OTC is committed to engaging in public information and public awareness programming to educate and advance good relations among all the peoples of Saskatchewan on Treaty issues.